Please note: Due to the holiday period, your order will be shipped on 16 August. Use the discount code: WZODC24 for 15% discount as a compensation.

About Us

We are an internationally operating company in the field of steel wool and maintenance products. Through close contact with our customers, we have a good understanding of their user needs, which enables us to respond quickly. EKKSOL stands for service and flexibility, and we consider it a challenge to provide you with the best service in the areas of cleaning, polishing and steel wool.

The right product for the right application..

..that is what we like to help you with.

Restoring what sometimes appears to be old, weathered objects so that they look like new again. That makes us happy.

As an enthusiastic motorcyclist I started in 2002, together with my wife Karin, to sell AUTOSOL polishes. Soon after, the steel wool products of RAKSO and METALINO were added.

We now produce customer-specific steel wool and products to repel mice and rats under our own brand TEKKSTEEL.

No-nonsense & customer-oriented

This is reflected in our business operations where we deal with our customers, suppliers and partners in a relaxed and down-to-earth manner.

It is also reflected in the way we work with you. We listen, advise and improve. We are there for you and work hard to meet your expectations.

Responsible packaging & shipping

Besides a good product, we find the packaging just as important. Wherever possible, we use the most sustainable boxes and packaging materials and ship your order with reliable shipping companies.

Small family business, great flexibility

We like to help you with your project, whether it is the restoration of an old motorbike or a large industrial project involving many kilos of steel wool. Our clientele consists of companies and private individuals all over the world.

Who we are?

George Ekkelenkamp

SALES & Marketing

Karin Ekkelenkamp