Frequently asked questions

Questions about ordering

As soon as we have received your order we will start to prepare your order. If you order on workdays before 4:00 p.m. we will ship the same workday. In 95% of the cases, your order will be delivered within 3 days. If you order after 4:00 p.m., we will pack & ship the next working day.

Custom made products (e.g. steel wool per metre) must be ordered before 3:00 p.m..

View all shipping costs and delivery times here

Pick up is only possible on weekdays between 10:00 - 16:00 hours. Pick up is only possible in consultation.
You can pay by PIN or cash. We are located in the Netherlands.

Only for companies located in an EU country other than the Netherlands and with a valid European VAT number, it is possible to make VAT 0% purchases through our web store.

  1. At Checkout under "Order type" choose "business" and proceed to step 2.
  2. Enter your VAT number and wait for validation.

PAY ATTENTION! If you, as a Dutch company, enter a VAT and no VAT is charged, you will still have to pay the 21% VAT.

Yes, you can. This is only possible for companies and in some cases we may ask for advance payment.

Please send your purchase order to clearly stating the desired item with item number and quantity.
You will then receive an order confirmation from us.

We do not send samples. Small packs of most products are also available. You can use these to test a product.
If you would like to see the materials, you are always welcome at our company on Gramsbergerweg 64 in Hardenberg, The Netherlands.