Steel wool, a multi-tool in the garden

As soon as the first crocuses bloom, spring is around the corner. It's high time to freshen up the garden furniture. Usually most people use chemicals, but there is another way: with Metalino steel wool, garden furniture can be cleaned of all kinds of dirt and grime in an environmentally friendly way.
Steel wool - a multifunctional miracle tool
Metalino steel wool is available in nine hardness grades, so there is a suitable product for every surface. Whether wood, metal or stone - the steel fibres fight the dirt effortlessly. What starts as a thread on a spool is processed by a machine with different knives into fine steel wool fibres in different thicknesses. Connected in a strand, cut and packaged, the all-purpose cleaner then works like a scraper: cleaning, grinding and polishing the metal fibres without scratching the material.
For powerful cleaning of heavily soiled or rough surfaces, galvanised abrasive sponges or stainless steel spiral sponges offer a solution.
Furniture maintenance made easy
Whether it's high quality wooden furniture or old furniture from the flea market, Metalino steel wool helps garden lovers to freshen up their furniture. Steel wool not only removes dirt from backrests and such, but also emphasizes the natural structure with light sanding. Do-it-yourselfers roughen the surface of their furniture with fine steel wool fibres before applying a new coat of paint. Brass and copper elements also shine with the right steel wool tool - completely free of chemicals and scratches.
All-round and reusable
Not only garden furniture, but also terrace tiles, planks and decking can be easily cleaned and protected with steel wool without chemicals. Steel wool can be used to apply a thin and even layer of wax to wood or stone. Once the job is done, the reusable steel wool awaits the next use.